DC 欄位 | 值 | 語言 |
dc.contributor.advisor | 釋見弘 | en_US | | 釋如一 | en_US | | 2020-04-07T01:10:55Z | - | | 2020-04-07T01:10:55Z | - | | 2017-06 | - |
dc.identifier.uri | | - |
dc.description | 碩士論文 | en_US |
dc.description.abstract | 自釋尊在菩提樹下證悟發見緣起之後,緣起即成為佛教的主要核心教義之一。釋尊說法因應眾生的根機,所說的緣起法面向也有所不同,而產生了種種的緣起說。由於「緣起」(pratītyasamutpāda)是一個較複雜的複合語,從語詞的解釋上,就產生諸多不同的說法,而有了十二緣起、賴耶緣起等思想的開展。活躍於七世紀印度大乘佛教時期的論師月稱(Candrakīrti),乃是傳承印度中觀應成派(Prāsaṅgika)的論師,在其所著作的《明句論》(Prasannapadā)中提到,「中觀論者即是緣起論者」。從他的宣稱中,可以看出月稱對於緣起義應該有其相當程度的體悟,才會有如此義正詞嚴的宣告。 月稱不僅擁護以「緣(於……)」為「到達(於……)」的《俱舍論》式的解釋之敘述外,更進一步加入自己對「緣起」的語義詮釋,把「到達(於……)」解作意義更廣的「觀待(於……)」。月稱甚至在《入中論》中,以「依車輪等支分而施設車」作為譬喻,用以說明凡是依自身之支分而施設者,都是非自性所生,且是相互依存而得以存在的。由於印度佛教學者的學派傾向,往往能反映該時空背景下的佛教思想發展,因此,本論文選擇將《明句論‧薪火品》中部分梵文翻譯成中文,希望透過翻譯更清楚了解月稱對於「觀待(apekṣā)」的理解,進而探討月稱的「觀待緣起」思想傾向,以之確立月稱在該時空的佛教思想地位及其影響。 | en_US |
dc.description.abstract | Since he attained enlightenment under the Bodhi tree, the Buddha had given the teaching of dependent origination (pratītyasamutpāda), and thus it has become part of the core doctrine of Buddhism. The buddha had always taught the Dharma according to the intellectual level of his students. Therefore, one could find different facets regarding the explanation of dependent origination taught by the Buddha. Consequently, Buddhist scholars from different eras have come up with different interpretations and this leads to vast discussions among scholars even until today. And since the Sanskrit word for dependent origination (pratītyasamutpāda) is a fairly complex compound, its philological analysis has led to various interpretations and understandings. As a result, ideas such as the "twelve links of dependent originations", and "dependent origination based upon ālaya conciousness" are developed.Candrakīrti (600-650) was a reknown Indian Mahayana Buddhist scholar belonged to the Prāsaṅgika school of Mādhyamika. In his Prasannapadā, it is mentioned that "The Mādhyamikas are the expounder of dependent origination."This statement may just reveal the deep and profound understanding of the meaning of dependent origination the author had in order to make the claim. Thus, based upon the interpretation of dependent origination found in Abhidharmakośakārikā, which caries the meaning of "reach" (prāpti), Candrakīrti expanded its definition by including the meaning of "dependence on" (apekṣā) into the compound. Moreover, in Madhyamakāvatāra-nāma, Candrakīrti used the idea that "The concept of a car arises from the combination of smaller parts such as wheel and etc." as a metaphor, in order to show that anything that is made from its own parts is lack of an inherent nature and its very existence relies upon the interdependency of all of its parts. As a matter of fact, the philosophical inclination of Indian Buddhist scholars tend to reflect the development of various Buddhist thoughts at a specific time and location. This paper studies and translates the Chapter of 'Agnīndhanaparīkṣā' from Prasannapadā. Through a better understanding of the termed "dependence on" (apekṣā) rendered by Candrakīrti, followed by research into Candrakīrti's explanation of "Dependent-arising and Relativity", this paper attempts to clarify the role of Buddhist ideology and its impact to the development of Indian philosophy at that specific period. | en_US |
dc.description.tableofcontents | 第一章 緒 論 第一節 問題之所在 1 第二節 前人研究成果回顧 6 第三節 研究範圍與方法 11 第二章 月稱與《明句論》 第一節 月稱生平與其著作、思想 12 第二節 《明句論》主旨 15 第三章 「緣起」、「觀待」語詞之考察 第一節 「緣起」(pratītyasamutpāda)之語義解釋 17 一、 《俱舍論》「緣起」語義說明 17 二、 《般若燈論》「緣起」語義說明 18 三、 《大乘中觀釋論》「緣起」語義說明 20 四、 《明句論》「緣起」語義說明 21 五、 小結 23 第二節 「觀待」(apekṣā)之語義解釋 23 第四章 《明句論‧薪火品》之「觀待緣起」 第一節 《明句論‧薪火品》內容與結構 25 第二節 二種的相互依存 26 第三節 關於觀待的邏輯 28 一、 paraspara及anyonya 28 二、 相依相待(parasparāpekṣā)和伴隨觀待(sāpekṣā) 34 三、 小結 35 第五章 結 論 37 附錄一 《中論》科判 40 附錄二 〈觀然可然品第十〉科判 41 附錄三 《明句論》薪火品翻譯 範圍:第一偈至第九偈 42 略語及參考文獻 (一) 略語及原典 57 (二) 專書與論文 58 | en_US |
dc.language.iso | zh | en_US |
dc.subject | 觀待緣起 | en_US |
dc.subject | 薪火品 | en_US |
dc.subject | 相互依存 | en_US |
dc.subject | 月稱 | en_US |
dc.subject | Dependent-arising and Relativity | en_US |
dc.subject | Agnīndhanaparīkṣā | en_US |
dc.subject | interdependency | en_US |
dc.subject | Candrakīrti | en_US |
dc.title | 月稱「觀待緣起」之考察─以《明句論‧薪火品》為中心 | en_US |
dc.title | An Investigation of Dependent-arising and Relativity in Chapter X of Candrakīrti's Prasannapadā | en_US |
dc.type | thesis | en_US |
item.fulltext | no fulltext | - |
item.grantfulltext | none | - |
item.languageiso639-1 | other | - |
顯示於: | 佛教學系 |
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