標題: | 藏譯本《阿毘達磨俱舍論》〈破執我品第九〉之譯注與研究 An Annotated Translation and Study of the "Chapter IX : Refutation of the pudgala" from the Tibetan Abhidharmakośabhāṣya |
作者: | 吳宛真 | 關鍵字: | 俱舍論;破執我品;世親;無我見;文法學派;Abhidharmakośa;Chapter IX: Refutation of the pudgala;Vasubandhu;The concept of non-self;The Grammarians | 公開日期: | 12-一月-2017 | 摘要: | 屬於部派佛教時期集大成之作的《俱舍論》,大約成書於西元後五世紀,統一了佛教出現以來流行於印度的各種小乘基本學說。其中的第九品〈破執我品〉主要闡述立論者(世親論主)如何一一駁斥「有我見」,世親論主透過與犢子部、某學派和勝論派來回的辯論對話,讓對方先陳述自己觀點、提出問題,然後再將對方的論點加以一一反駁、回應。其內容主要可分為以下四個架構:第一,闡述世親論主總破主張「離蘊有我」者;第二,別破犢子部(Vātsīputrīya;gNas ma bu pa);第三,別破某學派;第四,別破勝論派(Vaiśeṣika;Bye brag pa)。世親論主除了總破外道所主張的「離蘊有我」之外,主要篇幅仍在各別破斥犢子部、某學派及勝論派等三個內、外道學說對「補特伽羅」的錯誤認知,例如:外道主張有「常、一、自在的我」、犢子部承認「實質有的我存在,且此我與蘊不一不異」等。
本文內容共分四個章節:第一章、緒論;第二章、原典譯注篇;第三章、研究篇;第四章、結論。並於附錄四的部分,逐句整理、對比本文譯注內容的梵文原本、藏文譯本和漢文譯本。 Abhidharmakośa, composed by a Buddhist philosopher known as Vasubandhu around the fifth century, has always been regarded as a hightly authoritative treatise on summarizing the theories of the Early Buddhism and the Abhidharma Buddhism. In the ninth chapter of the Abhidharmakośa, called ‘The Refutation of the pudgala’, how Vasubandhu criticized the concept of selves is presented. This chapter contains four sections: section one, Vasubandhu’s objections to the theory that a self is a separate substance; section two, Vasubandhu’s objections to the Vātsīputrīyas’ theory of persons; section three, Vasubandhu’s objections to certain school’s theory of persons; section four, Vasubandhu’s objections to the Vaiśeṣikas’ theory of persons. In this thesis I offer an annotated translation of ‘The Refutation of the pudgala’, along with a study of the uncertain tenet which was not identified by Vasubandhu as his opponents and on which some previous commentators had different perspectives. This annotated translation is translated into a modern Chinese language based on the Tibetan text and an attempt is made to promote a better understanding of the arguments it contains. |
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顯示於: | 佛教學系 |
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